Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Inquiry Question

Using your article and/or picture as a guide- develop an inquiry question to help your understanding of the community as part of Canadian History/identity.

Record your individual inquiry question and within the same post record your group inquiry question.
Note:  Use your question anchor sheets and list of gist words when creating your question.


  1. What was the Indian act in 1876 and 1880 to gain control of social services.

  2. How might residential schools help aboriginals in the future and how would this influence our government today?

  3. My Question : How long was Yuri Forchuk in hiding and what did he do after he got out of hiding?

    1. Group Question: How long was Yuri Forchuk's enemies searching for him after he escaped and where was he when he was in hiding?

  4. My question: Why would people take part in child abuse, and did they enjoy abusing children?

  5. Henok:How might the Chinese perspective change if there was a repeat of what happened in the past and how would this affect our future?
    (Group) How might the Chinese people view the past in their and if this was still happening today would the Chinese opinion stay the same if not how would this affect the future?

  6. My question was: Why were Canadian government so afraid of the Austro-Hungarians during the first world war?

  7. My was when the canadian army took them all in what were the kids and some babies supposed to do if they weren't strong enough for the job

    Group: When the 8000 people were put to work did the Canadians need the wood which was one of their job or did they do it so they had something to do

  8. group: Why would Canadian government take the first nations children away from their homes and families and at the same time force them to learn another religion.

    independent: How might some of the first nations children escape alive from their school ?

  9. Group Question: How long was Yuri Forchuk's enemies searching for him after he escaped and where was he when he was in hiding?

    my question:where did Yuri Forchuk go when he stoped hideing?

    1. my question was basicley the same as Dominic's question so i am useing my outher one wich is why did yuri forchuk get forced to go to the camp and why did he diced to to work at a mine instead?

  10. Group: How long was Yuri Forchuk's enemies searching for him after he escaped and where was he when he was in hiding?

    my question:when and why did yuri forchucks enemies stop looking for him and why?

  11. Group question: Why would people take part in child abuse, and did they enjoy abusing children?

  12. Why would people offer to be an unpaid intern but only to be put into terrible conditions.

  13. My question: why was there so much back and forth conflict between japan.
    Group question: what was witnessed in the back and forth conflict between Canada and japan and why might they have fought each other.

    1. Bumped up version: What was witnessed in the conflict between Canadian Japanese and B.C?
      Give us an example/reason why they might of fought each other?

  14. how come the Japanese get kicked out of their homes to be put in detention camps in the interior BC?

  15. Individual Question:
    what difference does it make if the federal government of BC accepted all immigration and if the did how would it have impactedus today and in the future?

  16. my question: Did Canadian citizens restrict Chinese people because of there religion or because there different?

    Group: How might Chinese people view people the past in there own perspective? if this where to happen today would other Chinese people opinion change or stay the same and how would this effect our future?

  17. Individual Question:
    what difference does it make if the federal government of BC accepted all immigration of the Chinese to Canada and if the did how would it have impacted us today and in the future?

  18. Individual question:
    How was the issue of the residential schools resolved and how has it impacted how Canada looks in different perspectives when looking at the past ?

    Group Question:
    why would people take part in the child abuse and feel so strongly against different religions ?

  19. Individual Question:
    Why were people dying in camp that they were forced into when working?

    Group Question:
    why would the Ukrainians Canadians be stripped of their civil liberty and forced into camp in world war 1 and if the circumstances were dire, could it happen again?

  20. individual question:
    why did the federal government restrict the immigration of Chinese to Canada?

    Group question:
    the federal government in 1885 made a law that the Chinese couldn't immigrate to Canada and if they didn't make that law how would it impact us today and in the future.

  21. Individual Question:
    How did having residential schools affect how we live today?

    Group Question:
    Why would people take part in the child abuse and feel so strongly against different religions.

  22. My question
    why did the BC government have to ship 20 881 people to sugar beat farms in Alberta and Manitoba?

    Group question
    How did the japanese people who were discriminated in internment camps feel in world war 2 and how does it impact our world today?

  23. Individual Question: Why did Canada choose to imprison Canadian Ukrainians in WW1, and how has that impacted the way Canada acts today.

    Group Question: Why would Ukrainian Canadians be stripped of their civil liberties and, were forced into prison camps in the First World War, and if, the circumstances were dire could this happen again?

  24. My question:
    When did the war start that made the people have to go to internment camp.

  25. Indavigual question: how might of the Chinese people react to the situation if they were asked today and if the discrimination would happen today, how would this effect our future?

    Group question:how might Chinese people view the past in there own perspective? If the discrimination of the Chinese were happening right now, how would the chineses opinion stay the same or change? How would this effect our future.

  26. Group question:
    How did the japanese people who were discrimanated in the internment camp feel in world war 2 and how does it impact our world today.

  27. Individual Question:Why did Canadian start charging head tax to discourage Chinese immigration?
    Group Question:Why did Canadians apologize now instead of doing it 140 years ago when it was needed?

  28. Individual Question: Why was the B.C government discriminating the Chinese Immigrants/Chinese Canadians by raising their head taxes.
    Group Question: Why did it take so long for the Chinese Canadians to get an apology from the B.C government for raising the head taxes for only them.

  29. group question:
    In 1885 the federal government of BC passed a law that the Chinese couldn't immigrate to Canada. If that law wasn't made how would it have impacted us today and in the future?

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  32. My own
    If the Chinese did not have to pay the $50 tex. What would be the causes and consequences.

    Group: How might Chinese people view the $50 tex in their own perspective?

  33. Individual: why was there conflict between the Canadians and Japanese that was resolved through forced events on the japenese
    Group: why did it take 70 years for the b.c government to apologize to the japenese for forcing them into id,is ion camps.

  34. My Question is how did he manage to escape the camp alive?

  35. My question:
    How did various religious organizations impact on the residential schools and families?

  36. Group Question:
    If there was no such thing as religious what would the world look like today?

  37. My question:
    Why did they ship 20 881 to detention camps?

  38. Group Question:
    How did the Japanese people who were discriminated feel and impact our world today?

  39. My question: why were the Japanese relocated,kicked out of their homes to be put in detention camps in the interior BC and how might they feel?
